The COVID-19 pandemic has caused sudden, unprecedented change in the lives of people all around the world. At times like these, with school and various community service center closing doors, many young Americans are particularly vulnerable.
The purpose of this page is to keep you updated on the resources that are being offered in the midst of this pandemic. Please feel free to contact us if you are in need of a resource not listed below. Please note that due to rapidly changing resources and information, the most reliable way to be to contact one of these hotlines first. They can answer any questions you may have and can help with any concerns. Please dial 911 for any emergency.
Essential Services Hotline/Email: (507)-328-6150 or email
City Hotline: (507)-328-2822. Staffed everyday from 9am-9pm
Public Health Hotline/ Email: (507)-328-7500 and dail 2 for any COVID related issue or email
Food Assistance
Channel One Regional Food Bank
Channel One Food Shelf is remaining for its regular hours Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 6 pm and Friday from 8 am until noon. We are doing drive-up registration and check in. Staff are handing out boxed groceries and grab-and-go bags of dairy, fresh produce and frozen meat.
Rochester Public Schools’s Grab and Go Meals
Every weekday from 11:00am-12:30pm
Meals will consist of a cold lunch with breakfast included for the next day. Lunches are intended to be eaten immediately or should be stored in the refrigerator within 2 hours.
• Riverside Elementary – Front entrance drop-off loop
• Willow Creek Middle School – North Auditorium Entrance
• John Adams Middle School – Door 9 located on the NE side of the building
• Sunset Terrace Elementary School – Main Entrance
• Mayo High School – Door 2C located by the staff parking lot near tennis courts
• Longfellow – Bus Lot
• Pinewood – Front Lot
• Franklin – NW Corner of Lot
• Elton Hills – SW Side of Lot
• Jefferson – South Side of School
• Bishop – Bus Zone
• Washington – North Side of School
• Oak Terrace/Parkside – Park Lane
• Homestead Village – HV Lane, North of curve (11:55-12:30 PM)
• Andover Apts. – 8 1/2 street (11:00-11:45 AM)
• Willow Ridge – Storm Shelter
• Weatherstone – Weatherstone Dr. @ trail head
• Pax Christi Church – Between Pax/Firestation
• Zumbro Ridge Estates – Near bus shelter
• Meadow Park – 4th Ave & 14th Street
• Evangel United Methodist – North Lot
Restaurant Meals
Victoria’s Ristorante & Wine Bar — 7 1st Ave. SW, Rochester; 507-280-6232
Offering takeout and delivery to those who call with a child in need of a meal — pasta with sauce or butter and fresh bread. Call 507-280-6232 or email, or
Casablanca Creative Cuisine & Wine — 1151 6th St. NW Ste. 106, Rochester; 507-288-0274
Providing free lunch to school-age children in need of a meal.
Newt’s — 216 1/2 1st Ave. SW, Rochester; 507-289-0577
Free mac and cheese with a choice of fries or applesauce to kids in need, “no questions asked,” via curbside pickup.
Grand Rounds — 4 3rd St SW, Rochester; 507-292-1628
From their Facebook: “If you or someone you know are concerned about being able to have lunch for any child in town due to the school closure, we are offering free kids meals no other purchase necessary, stop in, ask for a manager and we will be sure to get you a lunch.”
True Smoke BBQ — 2040 Viking Dr NW, Rochester; 507-258-1088
According to True Smoke’s Facebook page, “They can simply come in and say ‘No school for me today’ and we will hand them a lunch. Free lunch available for children ages 5-17 please. If you need to pick up the lunches the night before please PM us with a count and we can have them ready to take home by 5 p.m. the day before.” Check the Facebook page for daily kids’ menus to see if the meal is something your kid will eat.
Potbelly Sandwich Shop — 3801 Marketplace Dr. NW, Rochester; 507-226-8686
Available at the above location only, food for kids currently out of school. Call ahead for a turkey, ham, or grilled cheese sandwich with applesauce and milk.
Pi Pizza –– 3932 Market Place Dr. NW, Rochester; 507-424-3885
While supplies last, free cheese pizza to kids in need of a free meal. And from their Facebook: “For our fellow restaurant community. A lot of you were laid off this past week, and many restaurants have completely shut down. Show your paystub and get our employee discount of 50% off.”
Toppers Pizza (east location) — 1217 Marion Rd. SE, Ste 700, Rochester; 507-281-4545
Offering free, small one-topping pizzas for any student that needs it, Monday – Friday between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., through March 31st(at least.) Call ahead and ask for a “student lunch.”
Pho Chau — 1014 N Broadway Ave., Rochester; 507-281-3342
Free bowl of rice noodle soup to anyone in need, 1:30-3 p.m. Monday through Friday. One per person. Call ahead.
Charter Spectrum is offering FREE WIFI for 60 days to K-12 and/or college students during this COVID19 Pandemic. Call 1-844-488-8395 to enroll. Installation fees will be waived for new student households. Spectrum Wi-Fi hotspots are also currently open and free to use.
Comcast is offering FREE WIFI for 60 days to K-12 and/or college students during this COVID19 Pandemic. They have a program called Internet Essentials. Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots are also open and free to use by anyone.